Sunday 26 September 2010

Jide's Textual Analysis Of Saw 3D Film Poster

Director: Kevin Greutert
Release date:  October 2010
Genre: Horror

The most extraordinary thing about this film poster is that even though it looks simple it still looks like something that most people would stop and stare for, not just because it is branded and everyone knows and recognises the name saw but because of the way the poster stands out as having the main character in most of the saw films Jigsaw head statue being blow to pieces.
On the poster it says ‘’ In Mind-Blowing 3D’’ and below it shows a statue of Jigsaws head being blown to pieces which shows that the title has a double meaning as it says that the film could be shown in mind blowing 3D meaning that it will shock and amaze you in 3D but also mind blowing as it shows Jigsaws mind being blown.
Conventionally a horror film normally shows actors on the poster possibly the main character, a victim or maybe the villain but on this poster it shows none of the above but just a statue of Jigsaw’s head which could mean that the producers could have decided to challenge the traditional convention and try to not give any hints to the audience and decide to try let the audience try and find out who the main character will be and build more suspense.
Even though the poster is in more or less white and grey the movie title is in red which is a media convention as the colour red is bright which means that it will stand out more and will make people stop, look and wonder what the next saw instalment will be about as there is no clue or hint as to what is going on which in turn will make them research it and could lead to more people coming to watch it.
It also says that ‘’This December the traps come alive in real 3D’’ which could show the directors want to do things such as make tension and fear rise more in the audience as saw is normally a very gory and bloody film but this time its going to be in 3D which means that the audiences experience of the film will be pushed even further. It could also be used to try and boost the promotion and the amount of people that will come to view the film will increase as this will the first ever time saw the horror film will be in 3D 

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