Wednesday 12 January 2011

Update 12-1-11 (Distribution and Film Rating)

As the promotion of the teaser trailer, poster and magazine cover would be on-going for several weeks. we as an company would need to think of the distribution to cinemas, the cost of a ticket, profit etc...

A good relevant source that can help with getting the right strategy in pricing.

When putting this into consideration we would need to be realistic and aim for targets that are attainable. So we as a small company would go to more cheaper cinemas because we are new, there is a tendency for people to get use to our workings with the type of flims we produce. We do not intend to con viewers with expensive pricing and the outcome of being disappointed because that would end us getting a bad name which would evidently cause a fall in all that we had done to achieve higher goals in the film.

The Licensing Act

Cinemas require a licence from the local authority in which they operate. The licence must include a condition requiring the admission of children (under 18) to any film to be restricted in accordance with the recommendations of the BBFC or the licensing authority. The objectives of the Licensing Act
• the prevention of crime
and disorder
• public safety
• the prevention of public nuisance
• the protection of children
from harm.

As we chose our film rating we had to take into account of what would make our film an 18 being looking along the BBFC website to highlight the criteria that has to be issued within a film to be placed in that catagory which were
  • material that is in breach of the criminal law, or has been created through the commission of a criminal offence
  • material or treatment appears to the BBFC to risk harm to individuals or, through their behaviour, to society – for example, any detailed portrayal of violent or dangerous acts, or of illegal drug use, which may cause harm to public health or morals. This may include portrayals of sexual or sexualised violence which might, for example, eroticise or endorse sexual assault

We came together in the pre-production when coming up with the material that would be put in our film and we came to a conclusion that we would have a very excessive use of detailed portrayal of violent being very gory and explicit with what would be shown so that would of automatically lead us into the '18' catagory. We also believe that as our film is surrounding man-slaughter and religion which brings a lot of controversy with many different opinions with many people who will take offence or have challenges with our idea, this then highlights the morals of the criteria for this certain rating.

After the many weeks of being in the cinema and the predictable popular growth of the film, we then take it to the next level of distribution which is DVDs/Blu - Rays

We would essentially be expected to just have more focus on DVDs because of our new arrival and the short amount of funds that would be availlable to us however we think it would be more wise to have a higher focus on Blu-Ray discs. Although they are much more expensive in the use of HD, it makes more sense to have funds to make a film to be coded onto this optical disc because of the increase of sales into the purchase of Blu-Rays in the last two years.

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