Thursday 14 October 2010

Sabrina's Textual Analysis for Paranormal Activity Film Poster

Paranormal Activity was a horror movie made in 2007 and produced by Oren Peli. This film is made I a way that portrays the tape as being footage that was found by someone in an attempt to find what is possessing them.

The setting of this poster appears to be in a bedroom but the shot looks like it is coming from a video camera this gives a more rustic look to the picture. As the photo is a still from a previously recorded image it has the time that it was taken at as well as the position of the camera can give the impression that there is someone watching them.
As the quality of the picture has quite a grainy texture this sets up the theme for the film connoting that the film is going to follow suit. The application of grayscale colors gives the poster a typical horror movie look to it which is necessary for a horror move poster. A wide shot is used on this poster to set the scene. As the woman in the bed has her hand stretched out and the door is open this connotes that the woman has magically opened the door whilst still in the bed, this then allows people to think that the woman has some time of power. As it is set in a bedroom which to some people is a place where they can relax and are safe, using a picture of the couple in there bedroom gives makes it relatable to the viewers.
The facial expressions on the couples face is one of shock and disbelief. This also draws viewers in by getting them curious, asking question like what has happed for them to be looking this way. The ways the way the man is positioned next to the lady with his arm over her look as thought her his about to get up and see what the problem is this connotes that the man is protecting her from something. The headboard that is used over the bed is very majestic so as we see the spotlight hitting it, it reflects onto the door which places a shadow onto the door making people think that something is there.
As most people are excited by the thought of being frightened having quotes like ‘scariest movie of all time’ urges fans of horror movies to watch it and see if they can handle the challenge. The type of font that is used in for the text in the black space is the same kind of font used on x-files and sci-fi documentaries which connotes that the scenes show in this movie ore real.
The white font on a black background makes the quotes stand out drawing attention to it. The title of the film Paranormal Activity is in large bold red letters that have a distinctive glow on it as well as shadowing. Having the title of the film in the colour red gives the connotation that there is danger within the film. Dark or dim colours are usually used within horror movie posters because they add make it look appealing to the public as well as being a convention of a horror movie poster. The quote ‘WHAT HAPPENED WHEN YOU SLEEP’? engages the person to think about that and because that is something that most of us do not know it intrigues the person to find out. Also the way Paranormal Activity is sandwich between ‘WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU SLEEP’? and ‘DON’T SEE IT ALONE’ allows the viewer to think that this is what goes on.
Overall the film poster for Paranormal Activities is one that’s purpose was mainly for advertisement over the internet as apposed to being seen on street corners. This allows the films buzz online to become much bigger online drawing in its target audiences.

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