Monday 7 February 2011

Evaluation - Question 2

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

Monique's Q.2

When in the planning/research stages of our project, we had a general understanding of how synergy, cross media promotion and continuity works within the media industry as we had studied up on this for our AS media institutions and Audiences. We then knew what needed to be done in making our products to make links to each other. For example, it would be highly inappropriate to promote objects and clothing linked to a sexual references in a movie rated 12A.

Although we were aware of this, producing what we wanted to achieve was not an easy task as we came to realise there are many things that need to be done to not only make a products recognisable with each other however to get the products to blend with the conventions we had in mind to reflect well as horror and getting our demographic audience to be draw to it by just a glance. In doing this we would head of to resembling those of which are already out there in the industry and accelerating to new heights in the box office.
Below will be examples of how we would use these techniques of media to aid our distribution and effectiveness of our main product and ancillary texts.

Before we started filming and were taking ideas we first remembered that when it came down making a film, a magazine and a poster all three projects would need to link together in order for the audience to recognise that our products all belong together. For example it would not make sense for a film trailer to have a light setting, then have a green high key lighting with an arial font and finally have a dark magazine look with new times roman font as this will confuse the audience showing a lack of continuity, show poor planning and understanding and will not show what you are promoting.

Jide's Q.2

Examples of brand identity/ continuity being used can be shown with warner bros dark knight continuity below

If you were to compare the three things such as dvd cover, poster and magazine you can clearly see that they all have a aura of an light blue effect each showing one important aspect which is clearly the city whether it is in turmoil or fine and by clearly looking at each you can clearly tell that they are promoting the exact same thing which would be the film. Also it could also be seen that with the poster and DVDs cover similar font is used which could also be said about the color range being almost identical if not similar which again goes with continuity. Finally it could also be noticed that the poster and dvd have the dark knight logo which could go to show that the warner bros are trying to increase the brand or logo awareness of the dark knight.

Above is our poster, magazine and film trailer screen shotted showing continuity between our 3 products as you can notice that the title has the same font used through out which was Lycanthrope used from the website '''' which allows you to use a different variety of fonts. We picked the Lycanthrope font as we felt that we did not want to run the risk of using the same font as someone else and we also felt that the default fonts used in Photoshop were to simplistic to give a horror look. notice how the backgrounds are dark, low key lighting and has a dark evil red look to it which is a common convention of horror as dark and red connotes evil, horror and vulnerability. We also made sure to use the same font we used for the poster in the magazine which was ''Trebuchet MS'' as we wanted to keep and maximize the whole continuity effect. The Trebuchet font gives a bold look and at the same time looks different meaning that it is bold to stand out to the audience but at the same time different to make the audience feel intrigued and maybe a little bit uneasy. Also our first ideal picture of the poster was to involve a specific picture shown below but we were unable to as unfortunately enough a other group member Sabrina unintentionally made a mess of the picture and at the same time a important prop we used was unavailable meaning we had to take a completely new picture. However we were able to take a picture which was not on the same level as our ideal choice but never the less extremely useful to us. The only things I feel we could have done to improve continuity would be if we were able to make a logo to improve toward would be to be able to develop a logo and also to be able to handle a high quality camera most effective.
The camera used to both record and take photographs was the Canon Eos 4OOD which was the
best available camera we could use to film at the time. We wanted to use the best camera because we felt that it would give us an advantage or a edge over other groups ensuring we used the camera with the highest quality available
Cross media promotion is indescribably important to the film industry as it could be the difference between having a small amount of consumers and large amount of consumers who know about your film as it promote a media product by a wide range of platforms being a iphone, a computer, a games console and other traditional media platforms. The Dark Knight cost 187million dollars to produce which is an extremely large amount of money to spend producing a film. However it was able to generate 1billion dollars back in return and I feel that was mostly down to the massive cross media promotion of the Dark Knight. The film
was promoted among many media items such as

Sabrina's Q.2
When it come to creating a buzz about a product that has been created for the viewing public there are a variety of components that are made to make sure that the product is being advertised to make sure that the target audience that, that film is aimed at know all about it. Through out pre production and the film making process there are always ways that the film makers can track the progress of the buzz they are creating weather its buy reading comment from the people interested. Even before the film had come out there is a Facebook page, twitter page website and blogs that allow the people to be interactive and express there views. This helps to build the branding of the film as if the images, logos and characters of the films have been seen by some of the people interested when they start to see more from the film they will automatically recognize that this is from the film being that they were interested in or herd about previously. An example of this is the with the dark knight franchise who are in the middle of production of the 3 film in the dark knight franchise which is called ‘the dark knight rises’ it is due to be released in July 2012 and already have a teaser trailer that has over 21000 views.

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