Tuesday 8 February 2011

Evaluation - Question 3

What have you learned from your audience feedback?

Sabrina's Q.3

Feedback is needed for any production weather it is professionally done or not as it helps to develop our work. We realize that to develop we have to take constructive criticism as it helps to make our work better which allows use to also give our target audience what they want as we are making it for them to watch. The first step to receiving this feedback was to make our teaser trailer available for the public to see what the response would be. We used various websites like YouTube which allowed us to get a mass response rather than just asking people in college as they are likely to be biases as we know them, but people that we do not know are more likely to be objective and give their honest opinion. We also posted our teaser trailer on Facebook and Twitter so that others can give use there opinion as well. We received a vast amount of comments that were positive and negative this allowed use to analyses what they like and disliked about the teaser trailer.

We also posted our teaser trailer on Facebook and Twitter so that others can give use there opinion as well. We received a vast amount of comments that were positive and negative this allowed use to analyses what they like and disliked about the teaser trailer. We had emailed some of my friends the link of our ‘sinners’ teaser trailer with the tag line ‘confession has a new outcome’ and because some of my friends are Christians it sparked a good debate on weather we should have used a wholly place for our horror teaser trailer. They responded with some suggestions of ‘using a place like a school as that’s the usual place where teen horror films are made not the lords house’. As this was one of the conventions that we wanted to challenge it made me realize that not everyone is so accepting of this and some Christian groups will feel upset with it. As in previous films like ‘stigmata’ which was highly controversial because of the way it expressed different issues within the Catholic Church one of the those themes was holiness.

I sent another email to someone containing the ancillary text which has given me some vital information that I needed. Some of the comments made were that ‘both your magazine cover and poster are good I especially like the lighting on the poster it makes the boy look like he has a soft side’. This made me think that the person commenting thought that the priest could have a split personality which could eventually be developed if we where to be continuing making our teaser trailer into a film.

Another messege that we received was from a media student who understood that we had to challenge some convections and sent me an email saying ‘this is a fairly good trailer however it would have been good if I could here the dialogue I couldn’t make out a thing, the soundtrack is also good but I think it would have been more effective if at 23seconds there where are crescendo of sound and then we see the out come, but I loved the ending’. This comment was very beneficial because it gave me quite a bit of feedback that our group needed. It would have been more effective if we had made sure that the sound was clearer so that the dialogue can be heard as it is a big part of the teaser trailer however there was another email that stated ‘even though you cannot here what the characters are saying the captions help so we no what direction its going in’.
Monique's Q.3

or people to be alerted of buzz around the web and communicating with friends, It made a brilliant gateway for direct responses from users.

As seen above we have comments made by friends from facebook about one of our ancillary texts. The overall response is that it has successfully embraced the conventions of horror and received positive feedback with it being 'eye catching', having a good sense of lighting and the use of shadows which was an added effect of using photoshop to enhance the darkness surrounding the model. Now with what could of been improved if we were to attempt this goal again would be as it is stated from several individuals getting the bloody hands in another layer to get it to stand out more would be a definite factor to think on, although the reason we did not do that was because of not wanting all attention on the hands. We wanted it to have a focus when you first appear to look on the image but not where it will draw eyes from the importance of the shadows embracing the model and darkening one side of the hands. Another thing that could be changed would be the tagline with the front. It is said to seperate it's self from the image but that was definitely something we wanted to achieve, as previously said in an earlier questions it connotes similarities to being looked on from above so the font would be different from others on the poster because of it needing to stand out. This font was also used to have a continuity to the other media products.

The positive feedback from the poster summarises for us that we effectively brought out the important factors that needed to stand in the photo. e.g. For it to be called 'eye catching' we must have used the right amount of blood and manipulated the lighting in photoshop cs3 well for this statement to be said. Another summary of positive feedback is from the use of lighting and how it connoted the horror genre which is what our stimulus was. We successfully got what was needed to come across to the audience with the different proportions of light that casted off/on the subject within the image creating shadows in the right places (on the light side of the model's face)

Our areas of improvement are the tagline and creating another layers for the bloody hand image. Overall we can see from the comments that these are two important factors that the audience decided with the correct alteration would enhance the image making it expand in being more outstanding and within more suitable conventions of how film posters have a good continuity for all ancillary texts. As stated above the tagline in replacement to how it is already presented would be made to stand out more with possibly a different font that is still serif and a different colour being used to contrast with the other continuous colours used.
As twitter.com as become very popular over the last year and fights among facebook to be the top social networking site, we see these opportunities to create promo pages. This would be a very good way of gettin feedback from an achillary text, The same goes with facebook however there is a slight change in last year from fan pages, previously it would of stated how many fans were apart of the group but it now is how many people like it. We decided not to create either pages as it could be done after the film was released to unreveal info on upcoming goodies for our audience enjoy and news on the post production e.g. extra scenes, possible extended versions/directors cut.

Leyla's Q.3
To receive audience feedback for the magazine cover, I made a survey on survey monkey consisting of seven questions. Five being multiple choice and two questions where there is a box for writing in their own words; question 3 and 7.
1. Do you think the colours used connote horror genre?
2. Do you think the information on the magazine cover is clear?
3. What do you think of the photo quality? is there anything you would change/improve on?
4. is it obvious that the film 'Sinners' is a horror?
5. do you think that £3.99 is a reasonable price for this magazine?
6. Do you think this magazine cover follows the conventions well of a film magazine?
7. Anything else you would like to add regarding conventions of a horror magazine?
11 people answered the questions.

From the feed back on question 1, I found that 100% of people who answered said they agree with the colours used connote horror genre so the colour scheme used wouldn't be changed if we had to change anything or redo something.

For question 2, 36.4% of people thought the information on the magazine cover could be clearer. If we re-did anything, I think making each film title in the cover lines a different font would make things clearer for the audience. all other people who answered that question said they thought the information on the magazine cover was clear.

I made question 3 a required question so that I could get the best feedback possible. I had a mix of different opinions on what people thought but they were mostly positive. Making the picture shaper and making it stand out more was said a few times, and the blood on his hands wasn't clear enough, so if we could change anything, we would listen to that criticism.

18.2% of people didn't think it was obvious that 'Sinners' was a horror film. because a majority of the people said it did in fact look like a horror, over looking the small percentage of people who didn't and keep to the original idea would seem like a safe option.

Only 2 people thought that 3.99 was unreasonable for price for the magazine. because of different research into prices for film magazines, we know that this is in fact a in the lower price range of a film magazine so this is also a result we can over look.

For question 6, 36.4% of people didn't think that the magazine cover had covered conventions of a horror magazine in everyway, some but not all. because this is quite a big percentage, this would be something we consider if we were to change anything, we would re-evaluate on conventions just to make sure we cover them all the best we can.

I made questions 7 so that it wasn't required just to see if anyone had anything to add, I only got 2 responses out of 11, One saying that the font wasn't brilliant which is something that has already been considered and the picture could be scarier. I am sure that if the blood in the picture was emphasized, the picture would all in all look more slasher horror which is what we were aiming for, and we would achieve the effect of making it look more scary.

Jide's Q.3

I have learnt that when using youtube or any other file sharing site on the internet it helps to do two crucial things which are less effort and time to promote media created as you will be able to use facebook, email the link to friends and also it helps your friends to promote your film using the internet. also the use of youtube is useful as people of different countries with different beliefs and ideas are able to comment on your videos which in turn would benefit future videos made.

Below shows the feedback we gained from people whom commented on our trailer and the most constructive feedback we received was a feedback regarding someones views about our sound being to low and the person being barely able to hear words due to the volume not being edited properly. Another helpful comment given was one given about an spelling mistake made in one of the clips which could show that maybe when we make trailers we should check our mistakes.

Below shows a video made which asks 3 different pupils 5 questions which would be used to give us an idea of whether we followed conventions which are of a horror film genre or we drifted off to a more different genre all which would be of useful knowledge to us.

Overall we thought that there are many more way that we could have promoted our teaser trailer than to have just used the obvious means of networking like YouTube, twitter and Facebook. All that we have used has given us a well rounded range of comments that we can analyze. The comments we received where very constructive and allowed use to gain vital information on how we could have made our teaser trailer better. There were even some comments that we can potentially be use to make it better. Overall we are satisfied with the feedback that we got even though we would have liked more comments on our Youtube account as it would have allowed use to have a wider range.

Sabrina's Q.3

We used Facebook and Twitter because it is very common in today's society for social networking sites, ranking at the top 2. In 2010 it was said that Twitter had 200 million users and Facebook with 600 million from January 2011. Twitter was used more for promotion towards our achillary texts and Facebook was what was used to gather the feedback which was main source of gathering peoples thoughts and excessive ideas onto what can be improved. Using these sites allowed a better opportunity for our promotion towards our media products we used two worldwide social networking sites.

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